Disadvantages of eating out

What can be the problem with eating out?

 Eating out has become commonplace.  Every special and general bazaar seems to be eager to eat. Food streets have been set up in various places in which a variety of food is available.  I am full of water but most people are not aware of how it is made.

 When we prepare our own food, we make sure that everything used in it is clean and pure. It does not contain any harmful substances. When we eat this food outside, it is good.  Sounds great but there is no guarantee that it will be clean.

 These foods prepared in food streets and restaurants are very harmful to health which can cause harm to the human body. The harms caused by these ears are listed below.

Blood pressure :

 Contaminated salt in unhealthy food from substandard hotels can cause high blood pressure. Substandard oil used to make these foods can be harmful to the heart and arteries.

 Food poisoning:

 Eating substandard and stale food in substandard hotels usually leads to food poisoning which leads to vomiting, hand and stomach pains, as well as fever which leads to dehydration.  And sometimes have to be hospitalized.


 Harmful Health Oils used in foods contain acidic ingredients. Excessive acidity in the stomach damages the stomach and causes ulcers. It irritates the stomach and chest and causes indigestion.

 Stomach problems:

 Eating unhealthy foods causes stomach pain. People suffer from various ailments by eating these foods. Most people suffer from diarrhea or constipation.

 Body odor:

 Unhealthy food causes foul-smelling sweat to come out of the body because the sweat that comes out of the body contains contaminated food ingredients that cause body odor.


 The body suffers from a variety of allergies due to unhealthy foods. The presence of substandard ingredients in food can cause any allergy and is impossible to avoid.

 Acne and skin problems:

 Non-standard foods contain itchy ingredients that have a direct effect on the skin. The most common cause of skin problems is the appearance of acne on the face. The use of too much fat and artificial colors in food is a major cause of acne.  ۔

 obesity :

 Substandard foods are a major cause of weight gain. Most of the ingredients in these foods are high in sugar, fat and salt. All of these things lead to obesity and obesity is a major health problem.


 Increasing the amount of fat in the body makes the body heavier and uglier. Increasing the amount of fat causes heart disease. Unhealthy oils in unhealthy foods cause hyperlipidemia.


 Harmful health Excess carbohydrates and sugars in foods and lack of fortifying ingredients lead to diabetes, which is caused by an increase in the amount of sugar in the body.

  The need is that if we control our desire to eat out and fulfill our passion by preparing good food at home, we can be protected from innumerable diseases.

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