What is PPC Marketing?
Have you heard anything about PPC Marketing or are curious to know more about it, then you have come to the right place. The full form of PPC is Pay-Per-Click, in today's era everyone is using the Internet, so the use of Digital Marketing is increasing a lot.
PPC is also a part of digital marketing, so if you also want complete information about PPC, then definitely read this post till the end – PPC Marketing Kya Hai .
What is PPC Marketing?
PPC stands for Pay Per Click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay each time they click on their ads. Whenever you do a search on Google, you will see search ads . These are called PPC ads .
Whenever a visitor will click on this ad and go to the website of the advertiser, then the money of every click will be given to the advertiser which means the ad.
If you want to bring traffic from Google Ads to any of your websites, then you will have to create an account in Google Ads, then you will have to create Ads and whenever a visitor will come to your website by clicking on your Ad, then you have to pay the money of every single click to Google. Will happen.
Whenever your ad is clicked, by sending visitors to your website, you have to pay some amount to the search engine. When PPC is working properly, you make huge profits. Suppose a click on your ad costs Rs 100 and a click sells goods worth Rs 500, then you will have a profit of Rs 400.
Although we can make PPC Ads on any search engine such as Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, but the most economical of these is Google's Ad system called Google Ads.
What is Google Ads?
Google Ads is the most popular PPC advertising system in the world. The advertising platform enables businesses to create ads that appear on Google's search engines and other Google properties.
Google Ads works on a Pay-Per-Click model, in which users bid on keywords and pay for each click on their ads.
Whenever a visitor searches a keyword on Google, then Google chooses the best Ads related to that keyword and shows it at the top position of Google.
Whose Ad will appear on the first page of Google is based on the Ad Rank of the advertiser, Ad Rank, which is calculated by multiplying two key factors – CPC bid (the maximum amount an advertiser can spend) and Quality Score (a value that is taken into account)
Your Click-Through Rate (CTR), Ad Relevancy and Landing Page Quality is what determines the Quality Score.
The better your Ads Quality Score the better will be yourAd Rankwhich will cost you very little money – PPC Marketing Kya Hai .
By now you must have understood what is PPC Marketing? And how does it work?. If you liked it, then share it with your friends so that they also know about it.