Adverse health effects of high heels

 Adverse health effects of high heels

 Women feel confident by wearing beautiful sandals with four inch heels. The fashion of high heeled shoes is never old. High heel shoes in different colors, designs and shapes adorn the shops.  The damage to health can be gauged by wearing high-heeled shoes for a period of time.

 Women who wear high-heeled shoes for a long time tend to have pain in the ankles, legs, knees and back.  Women who want to wear high heels need to be aware of the dangers and precautions they can take.

 Impact on physical health:

 According to a US study, 72% of women worldwide wear high heels occasionally, compared 28% of women who have never worn high heels.  Women have to wear high heels to push the hips and spine backwards to maintain balance, increasing the load on the back, hip bones and shins to maintain balance, this extra load on the muscles  Pain and heaviness are felt. The following is a description of the problems caused by high heels in different parts of the body.

 Feet :

 The structure of the feet is such that it has the ability to carry the weight of the whole body. By wearing heels, the whole weight of the body falls on the heels instead of spreading all over the feet.  ۔

Ankle and shin:

 Wearing heels bends the ankles forward, which reduces blood flow to the lower part of the legs, which is why it is difficult to walk when you take off your shoes after wearing heeled shoes all day.


 The knee joint is the largest joint in the body. Wearing high heels puts pressure on the inside of the knee, which accelerates joint fractures and increases the risk of arthritis.


 To walk normally, you have to wear high heels and push your spine deeper, which increases the load on your spine and muscles. This can cause your back to feel swollen or stretched from other parts of the body.  The back also needs rest.

 Caution in wearing heels:

  •  Try to relax the body and muscles. If you have to wear heels all day, then wear flat slippers the next day.
  •  When the opportunity arises to take off the heel and walk barefoot, it will reduce the pain.
  •  Stretch the leg muscles before and after wearing high heels.
  •  Try not to wear heels longer than two inches.  Always buy shoes during the day. At this time, the size of your feet is the largest.
  •  Buy nuclei or pencil heels sparingly as they are the most harmful.

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