How is paper made?

 Paper story

On paper we can write whatever we want, when we all used to go to school, we used to buy copies made of this paper and write on it, using the paper to print, for newspapers and other things like carry bag  It is also used for  But do you know how paper is made ?

If you do not know then today in this article you will know how paper is made .

 How is paper made?  

 Cellulose is mainly used to make paper, which is present in the wood of trees, cellulose is a sticky substance that is often found in tree plants.  A thin layer of paper is made by joining strands of cellulose.

 Although pure cellulose is found in cotton so that paper can be made, but cotton cellulose is very expensive, so it is used to make clothes.  The quality of the paper depends on the purity of the cellulose.

 How is paper made?

 Although cellulose is also found in silk and wool, its cellulose contains a lot of impurities, so their cellulose is not used to make paper.

 So let's know the method of making paper.

 Selection of tree: 

To make paper, first of all such trees are selected in which the amount of wood fiber is very high.

 Separating into pieces : 

 When the tree is selected, after that those trees are cut into pieces and separated and then they are sent to the factory where its peel is cleaned.  After that the pieces of the tree are cut into very small pieces.

 Digester Chamber: 

When large pieces of wood are cut into fine pieces, then the lignin from those smaller pieces is sent through a conveyor belt to the Digester Chamber where the wood pieces are mixed with Acidic Solution.  is mixed, and later lignin is separated from it.  Lignin is a substance that makes wood hard.  .

 Bleaching :

 When lignin is removed from the wood pieces, after that it is washed with water and later it is made very soft through bleaching.

 Mixture of calcium carbonate: 

When the wood pieces are bleached, then it is mixed with calcium carbonate to make it even more dense.

 Mixture of water: 

Now water is mixed in to make the pieces of dense wood thin and a mixture called Pulp is prepared, now paper can be made from this mixture.

 Paper Machine: 

Now the pulp made from water is passed through the paper machine, in which it is passed through several phases to form a long layer of paper.  These long layers of paper are later cut into smaller pieces and from this copy, magazine and news paper are made.

 Paper is manufactured by the method mentioned above and finally it is used to make many things like news paper, note book, text book, magazine, packing bag.

 History of Paper.

 If we talk about the history of paper, then it was first used in China, in the year 105, Kai Lun, a person living in China, invented the paper.  Before the invention of paper, bamboo and silk were used for writing writing.

 Cai Lun made paper using tree bark, hemp, mulberry and other types of fibers, the first paper was shiny, flexible, and quite soft in appearance, at the same time writing on it was also very easy.

 Where is paper used?  

 1. To make the envelope.

 2. To make a gift card.

 3. To make news paper.

 4. To create a calendar.

 5. To make tissue paper.

 6. To make packing bags.

 7. To Create Notebook.

 8. To Make Magazines.

 9. To make the kite.

After reading this article, we hope that if you look at the paper of a book, you will remember our article.

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